Paperclip Thinking’s 5 Pillars

 I think we look for careers in a backwards way. During the process of career-coaching we’re going to start by teaching the pillars of Paperclip Thinking, which will unlock so many thought doors. As those thought-doors open, you’ll be able to take advantage of new ways to assess what you want for and from your career.

The Pillars that support this thinking: Self-Valuation, Introspection, Personal Accountability, Creative Thought & Action, and Intentional Behaviors create the energy that is super useful during a career search or transition. Trust me: I’ve had a hand in placing more than 375,000 people into careers, so I have a unique perspective on what you’ll experience and what you’ll need to invest into your search or transition.

I’ve incorporated this philosophy into my books, “Happiness is Over There”, “They All Went Inside”, “They All Went Outside” and “His Words My Pen” and on our blog site.

What qualifies me to spread this type of content? I bring 30 years of career experience from the staffing industry, 26 years as a husband, 22 years as a parent, 14 years as a performance coach and I hold degrees in Behavioral Psychology (WMU ‘95) and Business Finance (MBA- UD Mercy ‘06).

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This principle has a focus on better understanding and recognizing what we value of ourselves.  Once we work to embrace and document those areas that you value of yourself, we'll move into what you want, from life, and then support will be offered through exercises that position you to recognize and achieve those wants.  This alignment can create an untapped amount of innovation and positive energy.

Impact areas: Relationship Management, Partnership Creation, Personal & Professional Wants

Personal ACcount-ability

After defining what you value of yourself and articulating your wants, our coaching focuses on personal accountability.  If we use a neighborhood as the metaphor for life and I want a well kept neighborhood, then it makes sense to choose to focus on keeping my own front porch clean (and not spend time or worry on the status of someone else's front porch).  This metaphor supported me as I shifted my own behaviors toward holding myself more personally accountable for behaviors as a husband, father, employee and friend and the power of this personal accountability supported me in making amazing changes with my performance at work, at home with my family, and with my friendships. 

Impact areas: Relationship Management, General Management, Productivity, Benevolent Leadership


The ability to change behaviors and gain new and unprecedented results starts with your behaviors and the willingness to look, internally, at why we have made certain decisions.  Exercises on how to embrace this art form and apply it to life, will be regularly moving through our discussions.  The idea that anyone else has a bigger impact on your wants and achievements in life, than you, is an illusion. 

Impact areas: Creative Thought, Innovation, Productivity 

CreativE Thought & Action

A consistent theme in our sessions will be the power of "creative thought & action”.  We coach, promote, and support divergent thought (the idea that there are a wide number of ways to add & generate value) versus the "one right answer" approach that seems to be so commonly used, today.  All of us were born with the ability to be divergent thinkers and over time, that gift has been dampened.  Let's get back to thinking like a five year old.

Impact areas: Solution Creation, Idea Generation, Team Building, Differentiation

Intentional Thought

The 4 principles, detailed above, are wrapped in the power of intentions.  There is a distinct difference between having goals and targets and being "intentional".  I will share the experiences I have gathered, daily, to support you in creating intentions (health, peace, choosing happiness, income - the sky is the limit) and I believe that creating intentions is an underutilized activity.  This aspect of our coaching supports limitless growth and these daily, weekly and monthly intentions have transformed my life and I intend for them to transform yours, too.

Impact areas: Productivity, Performance Management, Manifestation