Everyone has a Story…


this is mine.

I’m a career-coach and a partner in an HR Consulting & Talent Advisory business. I live in Dearborn, Michigan with my wife (Deena) and our three children and Paperclip Thinking was launched in December of 2016 as a way to share the life changing actions, philosophies, and behaviors I uncovered during a number of my career transitions over my 30-year career. I’ve studied relationship management, career growth, new interests, and I survived through the anxiety & depression that can come during your first career search or your career transition. I took myself through a deep learning and growth process and I created exercises and perspectives that took the bad mojo out of the career search.

What I did next: I began sharing what I’d learned. I published books about the power of this divergent thinking and I host 1:1 or group coaching sessions for those interested in the pillars of the Paperclip Thinking

Our Model is built on: Self-Valuation, Introspection, Personal Accountability, Creative Thought & Action, and Intentional Behaviors (and then we mix in networking techniques that I’ve used for the bulk of my career). I’ll realign the way you think, open doors you didn’t know could open, and all the while - you’ll remain smiling.