WELCOME to paperclip thinking


A little History!

My name is Travis Furlow and I’m a husband, father of three, executive leader in corporate America, founder of Paperclip Thinking


For years I moved careers and lived through the anxiety that comes from the career search. I’d followed most of the rules people taught me, yet I was – overwhelmed, filled with anxiety, surviving with depression, and pretending that everything was “okay”. Does this world of work need to be so stressful?

In 2016 I had a powerful moment that shifted how I would forever look at the career force. Anxiety went away, career continue to grow, and it was time that I began sharing what I’d learned about myself and the methods I was using to change my outlook on work, career transition, career search and the like. I share the pillars of Paperclip Thinking with students who are ready for their first entry into the career world and with professionals who have decided to change (or maybe they were forced into charnge). My life is dedicated to offering people (who are interested & ready) a series of methods, exercises, and perspectives that can change a person’s outlook, unstick you if you’re stuck, or support you with ways to make some of the big decisions in life that have caused unwanted stress and anxiety for so many people!

Enjoy your visit to my site. Learn about my books, “Happiness is Over There”, “They All Went Inside”, “They All Went Outside”, and “His Words My Pen”. 

My life’s purpose is to support and guide. I am committed to re-inspiring and restoring that spark of inspiration we all have inside.

So are you interested in exploring? Good!

 Let’s do this, together.