deep thoughts

What If?

Is it possible to live in faith and in fear, simultaneously? I don’t think you can. I think, buried deep in our human subconscious, are the experiences that led us down one of these two paths (core faith or core fear) and it’s understandable how this occurs, after all, the logic and science that has been shared suggests that fear is present to “protect us”. Back in the day, when we were out “hunting or gathering”, then a saber-tooth tiger pops around the corner…fear inserts itself and I would get out of the way of the saber-tooth tiger (with significant increase in blood-pressure and heart rate). It’s logical and biological that fear, under the veil of protection, is there to keep us safe.

Now- what happens if the saber-tooth tigers are all gone, yet we continue to feed our own fear? Feed it with worry, anxiety, and overthinking? Fear is contagious and it can grow and spread, quickly. Especially if you feed it and water it – as our society appears to be doing at a feverish pace. Anxiety, depression, hate (all byproducts of fear, from my perspective) …seem to be at all-time highs, so what if?

What if we stopped feeding it and watering it? What if we exchanged fear with faith? The faith that empowers us to reconnect to the belief of “the path we’re on is exactly where we are to be, now, today, right here”. Faith in the construct that life is happening for us, not too us, and everything from the best of days to the worst of days all share something powerful in common…a lesson that can be used to learn and grow. What if our world embraced faith more than fear? Could things be healthier for all of us?

Let me know what you think?