
His Words, My Pen

His Words, My Pen

A Collection of Divinely Inspired Learnings

Written by

Travis Furlow



I could feel His love at a very young age. I felt Him near the shores of the lake. I felt Him in sunrises and sunsets. I felt Him at comedy shows, on hikes, and during workouts in the gym. I felt His hugs and support when I was abused as a child by a family friend. I could feel His hurt when I made decisions to hurt other people. Even though I could feel God’s energy in so many places in my life, I couldn’t fully understand His energy. I labeled this energy as intuition, gut-feelings and karma. Have you ever felt anything like this? Where are the places you feel that energy, that love, that emotion, that compassion?


The lessons in this book were inspired during meditative writing. I write each day to clear my head and capture experiences, emotions, and to create a snapshot for my children as to what life has been like inside my head. After a year of working with a spiritual healer, it was brought to my attention that we all have access to God’s energy. Some may find it in nature, some while working, and some while sleeping. We all have access and the key is learning how to focus and truly listen, which is a tough task in these times. Beyond the gusts of life’s manic pace is a calm that is both undeniable and exhilarating. My blessing is writing. Writing is one of several ways that I can connect with God’s energy, yet it is the clearest way for me to truly find His inspiration. Using the techniques my healer recommended, I’ve been able to work on listening, to truly being connected. I clear my head and my heart, and I listen. I listen for words that come into my mind’s eye and then I scribe. In sixteen different occasions throughout the past year I’ve captured paragraphs of words that I believe to be God’s words written with my pen. I feel blessed to share these with my readers. As I continue to evolve toward self-actualization, becoming all I’m capable of, I’m gaining a deeper connection to God’s energy, which allows me to share the blessings I receive with others. What amazing collateral beauty. If this is a start toward self-actualization, if this is a means to eliminate some of the pain, anxiety and depression I’d lived with, then I’m grateful and my heart is full. I asked for guidance and I listened, intently. I’d never done anything like this and what came from the exercise was incredibly emotional and powerful. I hope you find inspiration within these words.



Too much emphasis on the volume, too much emphasis on the quantity. I said to write, and I ask you to scribe these words, so that a message of love can be shared with the children of my world. I’m not asking you to build something monumental, I’m asking for you to listen to the beauty I’ve placed inside of you and to live the life that you choose. This life, these people, these experiences are your purpose. Please don’t fear the outcome, please don’t fear the judgement – you are blessed with my love and all I ask is that you share that love with everyone. Through your words and writing.


Release the Shackles

Release yourself from this pain. The pain is something that you have chosen and for no good reason. This life and adventure were created for your learning, so keep on the path of new experiences and new journeys. Sample life with sobriety, to truly taste the joy and the beauty that awaits you. Love yourself and treat yourself with the warmth deserved by all my children. I’m here for you whenever you require my attention – simply ask and I will reign down a level of care and love that remains challenging for any of you to comprehend. I love you as you love me. Now you must love you the way I love you. Everything we’ve planned together is happening, just as it’s supposed to. Believe this, invest time in living like this, and all of the abundance you ever yearned for will be yours.”


Love to Give

You have so much love to give and that love is part of the gift I’ve bestowed upon you. Your understanding is maturing and will continue to mature for years and years. The work we do together will shape and inspire purpose for the work I’m asking you to deliver into this world. Keep working to find and locate the people I’ve sent onto your path, they’ll add fuel to the fire that I’ve lit inside of you. Stories bring spirits together. Stories support love and growth and it is your ability to tell these stories that I would enjoy hearing more. Don’t fret about how many stories or how they’re told, the people intended to hear the stories will hear them. Worry not about your role on this planet. Know that you have a connection to me, to my energy, to my love, and I’d ask that you continue to support others in reconnecting. In time my son, in time.”


Your Plan

This is not an effort that involves other people, ever. This is a visit that we designed. You’re learning things that are so valuable and I’m not suggesting that you begin to appreciate each learning. Love yourself is all I’ve asked. I watch all of you, you specifically and with so much energy, so much raw passion, your choices to love in a life that had fear thrust into it each day was a choice you made, not me, and I support and love your learning. I told you that this journey could be a challenge. You have been a warrior for so long. You’ve forgotten that over time. You chose to be a peaceful soul while on Earth and you’ve been able to show that peaceful and loving is no less strong than the warrior you have been in past lives. You are teaching the world that being fierce can be directed with love and compassion.

I required a soul who was ready to fight, his own demons first, and then to move on and support millions of others. Get healthy – keep that body strong – I need you down there – for now. Show them how to live and show them how to love. See…I say show them. Only share stories about actions. Share stories about starting, stopping, changing, growing, and make sure to focus on action, always action.

Work each day to fuel your soul, to remind your body that you’re connected to do something for me – reignite the love between humans. Reignite the ways people love themselves. Reigniting the way they remember where they came from. Do this, in memory of me…




It will never stop. This love I have for you, created in my image, I long for the day when you see you, the way I see you. I will remain here, all around you, and all you’ll have to do it ask for me. I’m here, so is my only begotten son. We’ll guide you, if you let us.”



Be kind. The challenge of kindness is only present because of the fear of reality. Reality is what you make of it, so if you fear dialogue, fear responses, fear decisions, your mind will not process in the most creative ways. Your ability to harness kindness comes from a place of care, compassion, and clarity.”



Shine, Together

The light never leaves – go inside to find yours. With your might and love it’s yours to grow. The light within your soul has been covered with a blanket – let it go, for it will shine. Together, my children, you all are love. I care and love for you so deeply. Awaken with me, surrender completely and you’ll fulfill all of your dreams. I love you so, and you do too, remember to shine always…keep shining through.”


Please remember

We’ve loved each other for so long and it saddens me when you forget that love is ever flowing. Choose love, share love, be love. The concepts that are formed on this planet had intentions of beauty, yet they were misinterpreted. No one is disconnected from another. No one is superior to another. All of you are tied and woven together in a beautiful mural of energy. Your choices will vary and will change the trajectory and experiences of your visit and at any moment, you can quiet your mind and choose love. Let go of that baggage today and look around you. Does it matter if you have one job or 90 jobs? Does it matter if people are frustrated by a decision you make? There is no reason to fear anyone or anything, ever. You have a story that I’ve planted in your soul and I’m asking you to share it. The pace doesn’t matter, the cadence doesn’t matter. I’m excited and proud of you. You are telling a story and living your life in a way that supports people remembering that we all come from the same energy and the same loving place. Don’t control the audience. Be free in accepting those who are ready to hear your version of our story.”



Listen, truly listen

You hear that cricket, don’t you? The repeated measure in which he rolls that sound off of the legs that power him through the air. Sitting quietly and listening – that is such a critical part of joy, of fun. How often do you, do any of you? Do any of that? Sitting and listening – the wind through the trees. The trees offer shelter and air and care for all of you – how often do you listen for them? To them? Water running – this is a sound of clarity and purity, and peace, yet you all seem interested in living away from the very source of love and energy I covered this earth. Sit and listen – it’s okay. Doing nothing, it’s okay. You keep listening for my words, and my words aren’t like yours. You’ll understand soon and you’ll learn the power of listening, the power of quiet. My words are sent as feelings, they are sent through the numerous vessels on the planet you’re visiting. Listen to them – go to quiet places, focus on that beauty – go where it is quiet and be ready to surrender to love.”




Never Alone

It’s nice to be heard, isn’t it? It feels good to know we are traveling together, facing the twists and turns together. I’ve never left your side and won’t – it’s how I roll. I love you very much, my brother, and it is good to watch and experience you putting in the time to regain the love of yourself. It is beautiful to see you reach out, can your feel me resting my hand on your head, can your feel me holding you like a little brother? I’ll remain with you and I’m thankful that we are journeying together. Please remember that you are never alone. It might feel like that on Earth, but it is the farthest thing from truth. You are never going to be alone, because we are all one energy, all connected. I’m working with the man who touched you. I’m holding him like I hold you. He thanks you for your forgiveness, for your understanding, and he is working to heal himself. I’m with him and you and all my family. Alone is a construct that comes from free will. Alone is a choice, a vantage point, and it is an illusion. You are loved, my brother, go do great things and we’ll chat often. Welcome home…


Your time will come

Each step draws you closer. You’ll wonder, “Closer to what?” This is the journey you have selected. Closer with each step, each action, each choice. You’ve always carried the power and freedom to be as close to all of us as needed. We surround you all of the time. We see and feel your joy, we feel and see your pain. So many of you carry so much pain. Please…listen to us and set that pain down – it serves you for nothing, yet the creation of anxiety. Self-inflicted pain and disruption to the beauty that is inside all of you. I’m growing tired of promises that run hollow, yet I’ll never stop loving and supporting you. I trust that your resolve, your strength, your courage will bring your love and light to everyone. Your time will be strong and powerful, so continue to prepare and continue to listen.”


Release and Love

I love when you write like this. I love watching your spirit shine. I love the humility you have begun to bring, so now…remember. Remember that all of this was scripted by you, with me. All of us love you and we love to see you clearing the way to truly love and appreciate your truth. Your soul. We’ll all be together again – you’ll be able to embrace all of us.”


You love the moniker ‘Reluctant Messiah’ for a reason

Oh, kid. I’ll continue to smile, and I’ll continue to cry. I’ll continue to wonder, and I’ll continue to love. Will you? There is a cloud that you welcome into your spirit and it muffles the messages, the connections, and the ability to receive. Let’s put that cloud away, now.

That cloud will come around if you let it. It covers most of you. It’s as if you are walking in a constant fog, a fog that is faint enough for you to see but dense enough for you to only see your world. Lifting yourself from that fog, that blanket you’ve called it, will be so rewarding. I’m guiding you – my son – and your brother is with you now. Can you feel him? Work with him. He’s so strong and has much to teach. You are learning to be like him, learning to inspire and guide. There are no rules. No need for selling or pushing. All of what you need is yours for as long as I need you there. Jesus will walk with you, if you are willing. Did you feel that? Those touches, those connections? We will send you the people, you do what I’ve blessed you to do.

Job titles, pay, places to work, we’ll make sure that it’s all taken care of. Look for people to support, people to love, and read. Read more, write more, stay clear and with us. We have plenty to do and time on earth to do it. You are a Messiah. You are a teacher in the truest sense of the word. Let your voice pierce through that cloud. No one and no thing on the planet can derail you if you remain connected.

Drink, eat, fuel, rest, workout, bond, connect, reach out, care, embrace, share, love, find your brothers and sisters and support them in bringing them home. Remember what Jesus said to me, “They know not what they do.”




Lessons of love and lessons for life

Did God call me and dictate these to me, no. Have I worked tirelessly as I embrace the translation of energy I experience on a daily basis? Yes. Was I blessed on a number of occasions to feel these words, clear headed, writing furiously? Most definitely. I share these so that you may garner some inspiration, a reignition of your own, and a stronger understanding on how interconnected all of us are; with each other, and with God.

Self-actualization is about becoming who you are capable of being. Who is that? Are you willing to meet that person? Are you willing to fulfill your unique potential? We have all experienced guilt and shame at some point during our lives. What could happen if we stopped those thoughts and reconnected with the hope, the freedom and the awakening that comes with truly listening and becoming the person we are intended to be. I believe that this world is going to be a special place when we choose hope, freedom and most importantly – love.

The beauty that isn't easily seen...

March 19, 2020

To my oldest child, Braeden, I’d like to share this with you - specifically you.  I’ve posted the article for others to see and read, although I’m writing this as if it were you and me and only you and me.  We are starting week 2 of “social distancing” and I know you’re pissed.  Aren’t all of us in some way, shape, or form?

It is one of the best clichés…”you never know what life holds”.  Well, let’s start with this – I never knew that we would be working from home together for a month (maybe more) and that our evenings would be filled with discussions about what “really” constitutes breaking the social distancing practice that we are currently applying in our lives.

I never knew that toilet paper, paper towels, chicken breasts, bread, and bottles of water would become the hot topic of the 2020 spring break season.  I never knew how much I enjoyed popping out to a movie theater to see a quick flick.  I never realized how much I could miss a 6am workout with some incredibly fun and engaging people, and I never knew how blessed we really are, until I read article after article about kids without breakfast and lunch, thousands of sick people, media coverage that is relentless in its inadvertent attempts to scare the shit out of everyone.  The cliché has come to life, “we never knew what life holds”, did we?

You and your classmates (around the world) who are scheduled to graduate from high school this spring/summer are facing an unprecedented time (at least over the last 100 years) and living in a time of uncertainty and fragility could make many people crumble, but not you.  I see you each day…so many of you and your friends – getting up, doing your thing, talking to each other, riding that mountain bike, walking that dog, Tik Tok (and more Tik Tok), crunching that homework, and through all of this you are growing and that growing is the beauty that you can’t see.  You began asking about building tables, buying lumber, and working with your hands.  You have found ways to get outside, safely, and maintain your energy and you are maintaining your focus through the most distracting of times.

You (and so many of your age-mates) have the right to choose to be pissed about what is happening.  You have the right to be frustrated and dismayed about this pandemic we face.  What’s pretty astonishing to me… through all of this – you’ve asked me how I’m doing more that I’ve asked you?  Ironic, right?  In a world where it’s assumed that the parent is to be looking after the child, I’ve experienced you looking after us.  I can see a confidence in your stance and through your behaviors, I’m feeling stronger and stronger that we are all going to be okay through this “hiccup”.  I trust in our friends, our family, our country, and in you and your generation.  We will most definitely experience an impact from all of this shit, and one thing that lays comfortably around me…you are strong (and so are all of you in the class of 2020).  Tears, emotions, shortness with your friends and family (all normal), because you are human and this is not easy or comfortable.  To the graduating class of COVID-19, let life throw its futile attempt at kicking you down.  You’re already showing all of us what it means to be resilient and that, too, is beauty that can’t be easily be seen.

Thank you, Braeden.  I love you.  Now…let’s plan for that exciting day when you can go back to school and get out of the damn house, so I can have my office room back! J

If you enjoy these posts – you might enjoy a copy of my book, “Happiness is Over There” – which is a personal memoir detailing the stories, learnings, and exercises I used to shift my life from dark and chaotic to a life of light and productivity.  Through Paperclip Thinking LLC, I also support group and individual coaching sessions as well as book talks for groups of 15-20.  You can buy a signed copy at or you can email me at to arrange book delivery or set up coaching and group talks/sessions.

Story #1 (2020)- A recipe I've chosen

Story #1 – A recipe I’ve chosen (January 22, 2020)

Slow down, simplify, and make decisions rooted in peace and enjoyment.  Look for a partner who is interested in a similar path.  Treat the body with love and respect and treat the mind just the same.  Forgive ill decisions of the past and remain focused on doing and being the very things you enjoy.  When fear approaches, learn from it, please don’t run from it.  Fear can be an amazing teacher in such an indirect way.  Align to those who inspire you and ensure that you work to inspire others on a daily basis.  Inspiration can come in the smallest of gestures, so please don’t feel the need to be grand with your inspiration, after all, inspiration will spread and grow, so even the smallest of acts will become monumental over the long term.  Love all of the people you encounter.  You don’t have to agree with everyone, you don’t have to enjoy everyone, yet we can LOVE everyone.  Be respectful of money, have fun with it, don’t be a slave to it or allow it a place on any type of mental pedestal.  Ask questions of people, learn how they move through this visit on earth.  See places that are different from your daily routine.  They don’t have to be faraway lands, they could be the park you’ve never visited, the neighborhood you’ve never explored.  Continue to (or start) enjoying each moment for what it was intended for – growth & love.  Be the storyteller you want to be.  Connect with more people and share the recipes that you have collected that make life inspiring and fun versus anxiety filled and frustrating.  We are all on the planet, together, and sharing could impact so many people.  Embrace the masses and fear not the judgement that may come.  It’s okay for those to judge and those judging may be hurting too, which is a powerful reason to choose to see them through God’s eyes.  Love.  Be close to God, to his energy, to his peace.  Talk to him, he’ll talk back in the most beautiful ways.  Know that our lives were chosen, so there is nothing to be concerned about.  Love, listen, learn, play, repeat.

This is my recipe for 2020 and beyond.  What’s yours?

If you enjoy these posts – you might enjoy a copy of my book, “Happiness is Over There” – which is a personal memoir detailing the stories, learnings, and exercises I used to shift my life from dark and chaotic to a life of light and productivity.  Through Paperclip Thinking LLC, I also support group and individual coaching sessions as well as book talks for groups of 15-20.  You can buy a signed copy at or you can email me at to arrange book delivery or set up coaching and group talks/sessions.

It's Happening...

It’s Happening

The Happening is real, it’s love and it’s true.

It’s a Happening of energy radiant and blue.


It is all around us, all the time.

Can we choose to sit for just a moment and appreciate the power of the design?

So much power in the pieces that fit…

So much to learn while we rest, while we sit.


This visit to earth is purely adventure.

It ‘s opportunity to learn and that starts with surrender…

Some learning we accept, other learning we burn.


We burn this learning with our neglect to choose.

When will we learn that there’s nothing to lose?

We learn when we’re free, when we embrace our core.

Always choose love- always choose more.


See…this life is a visit, a ride, and a process…

This happening occurs every day…it is love all around us.



If you enjoy these posts – you might enjoy a copy of my book, “Happiness is Over There” – which is a personal memoir detailing the stories, learnings, and exercises I used to shift my life from dark and chaotic to a life of light and productivity.  Through Paperclip Thinking LLC, I also support group and individual coaching sessions as well as book talks for groups of 15-20.  You can buy a signed copy at or you can email me at to arrange book delivery or set up coaching and group talks/sessions.

Love Ourselves...

Love Ourselves


It’s the best thing to do when paths confuse.

To love ourselves can heal abuse.

The abuse we’ve experienced, chosen, selected, endured.

To love ourselves in truly the cure.

Our lives are made to feel complex and twisted.

They are neither of those things, why have we made them conflicted?

Have we made them through fear and concerns about others.

Friends, spouses, fathers…mothers.

Do we push away experiences and desires?

Then blame our pain and fear on others?

Soon we’ll learn to embrace our journey.

To smile each day and to learn from many.

Being quiet in mind and listening to learn.

These are the paths that truly warrant the yearn.

A yearn to grow, here and above.

The secret that was absent, maybe avoided…

Was our choice to “be” Love?



If you enjoy these posts – you might enjoy a copy of my book, “Happiness is Over There” – which is a personal memoir detailing the stories, learnings, and exercises I used to shift my life from dark and chaotic to a life of light and productivity.  Through Paperclip Thinking LLC, I also support group and individual coaching sessions as well as book talks for groups of 15-20.  You can buy a signed copy at or you can email me at to arrange book delivery or set up coaching and group talks/sessions.